Maratika Tour, also known as Halesi Mahadev Tour, is a renowned religious pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus. The revered Maratika Cave is situated in the Khotang district of Nepal, approximately 232 kilometers away from Kathmandu.
According to Buddhist legend, the enigmatic Maratika Cave is where Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, and his consort Mandarava achieved the Vidyadhara of longevity, receiving blessings for a long life.
Similarly, in Hindu mythology, it is believed that Lord Shiva sought refuge in this cave while being pursued by the demon Bhasmasur. Bhasmasur possessed a power that could turn anyone into ashes by touching their head. This power was bestowed upon him by Lord Shiva. To outsmart the demon, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a beautiful female dancer and enticed Bhasmasur to touch his own head while teaching him to dance. The demon followed suit and ultimately vanished, thus saving Shiva's life.
Inside the Maratika Cave, there is an idol of Shiva Lingam, renowned as Halesi or Haleshi Mahadev. Some consider Halesi to be the Pashupatinath of eastern Nepal. It is believed that visiting the cave and worshiping the Shiva Lingam can fulfill one's wishes, attracting numerous pilgrims to this sacred site.
The journey precedes along the newly constructed BP Highway, reaching Khurkot and continuing through the Pushpalal Madhya Pahadi Lok Marg, a mountainous road that passes through Ghurmi and Jayaram Ghat.
After approximately 9 to 10 hours of driving, you arrive at the Maratika Cave/Halesi Mahadev. The following morning, you visit the cave, offer worship to Halesi Mahadev, and return to Kathmandu via the same route.
Maratika Tour, also known as Halesi Mahadev Tour, is a renowned religious pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus. The revered Maratika Cave is situated in the Khotang district of Nepal, approximately 232 kilometers away from Kathmandu.